Saturday, April 07, 2007

All in the Detail

A man and his outfit, the Doric Arch
Now this may seem difficult to believe... but this is, in fact, a man.
Doric Arch Pub, Euston Station, April 2007
I know he is a man, because I saw his face, and the full goatee he was sporting.

A blurry closeup
Note the detail work of the overskirt!

A vision in prints at Paddington Station
In another universe, one woman meets to compete for National Rail's fashion Faux Pas of the Week award.

As if with some desperate last minute attempt at senility, she threw on a pair of brown loafers. Unfortunately, they didn't go with her mustard and pink-striped coat, her purple floral dress, her red-and-black serape shoulder drape, or her burgundy-based-though-multi-coloured paisley tights.
Paddington Station
March 28, 2007

Notice the print, on paisley, on alternative paisley
"Oh, my, I can't seem to find my green-and-orange zigzag, striped umbrella!
Oh daughter of the gigantic-yet-useless-red-barrette, can you help?"